The long awaited time for students and parents alike to take a breather and have some fun. Whether it be skiing through the brisk Colorado air or working on a tan by the Florida coast, spring break is the ultimate time to relax and rejuvenate. However, Spring Break comes with a drawback: home invasions. Break-ins often occur from 6 am to 6 pm, and include car thefts as well! Most often, senior citizens are targeted, however with the advanced use of social media, burglars are spreading out their range of targets. That’s right, posting a selfie of your spring break trip practically gives a burglar the key to your home. Advertising your absence leaves your valuables vulnerable to burglary. No worries, though, because we’ve got some tips to keep your house safe for your return.
Make it look like someone is home.
Whether you hire a house sitter or invest in some cheap light timers, making it appear as if your house is occupied is sure to deter any potential invader.
Get your neighbor to hold your mail.
A full mailbox is a sure sign you’ve been out and about for a while. Getting the post office or a neighbor to hold your mail for you will hide the fact that you are gone for spring break.
Close and lock all doors, windows, and even your garage.
While this may seem obvious, the most often occurrence of theft is an unlocked car or house. Forgetting to lock even one entrance makes it infinitely easier for a thief to get in. So stay safe and double check, and your preventative measure will surely pay off.
Wait to Tweet about your travels until you’re back.
Although your new glittery shot glass from the Caribbean spring break trip may tempt you to show all your friends, make sure to keep it offline until you are home. If a potential thief sees your snap, they’ve found their target. If you don’t advertise you’re gone, they won’t come for your goods.