Lifelong Insurance Agency

Lighten Up! The RV Checklist of what Not to Pack

Looking for the best RV checklist? They are abundant online, with lists available for everything from pre and post travel lists, to lists with or without pets. But this is the anti-list, this is the list of items you shouldn’t carry at all.

These are the items that only contribute by taking up space, adding unnecessary weight, and simply have no real compelling reason to lug them around.

Plan It, and Keep it Simple

Planning meals ahead of time is the best way to avoid over packing on foodstuff. Remember, you can always buy more if you run out. Remember, you are camping! Cook pancakes instead of waffles, and think of meals that you can cook in a couple large pots and pans. Bring a place setting for every member of the family, and a handful of silverware.

Water you carrying that for? 

Keep a small level of liquids in those tanks (to prevent materials from sticking, for instance), as a rule less is definitely more. Unless the trip calls for a secluded, dry camping getaway in Death Valley, you can probably skimp on the fresh water tank by connecting to the campground’s water source.

Storage Enhancers

Use of extra carrying units such as a roof-mounted storage pod, an auxiliary trailer, or a receiver/hitch-mounted bin for extra items will only feed your over packing desires, worsen aerodynamics and/or gas economy, and make loading/off-loading that much more of a chore.

Towing the line

What is the point of towing a vehicle behind the motorhome that gets worse fuel mileage than the RV? Switching from that bulky Sport Utility Vehicle to a mid-size will save you countless money at the gas pump and reduce on the RV’s overtime towing duties.

Wooden it be better to buy it?

As someone who has been gauged more than a few times by that convenient, albeit overpriced stack of bundled firewood for sale at the campground office, the lure to transport my own supply is a constant mental tug of war. My friends, it isn’t worth it. Not only does a pile of fresh-cut lumber mess up storage compartments with grungy, wet splinters, it is too heavy for only a $4 savings.

Tools & Tape

Bring a basic tool kit and some duct tape. If it is a serious problem get help, if it’s minor ask for help to one of your stall buddies.

Heavy Issues

Remember, if there’s a lightweight substitute, favor that in its place. Opt for paperbacks over hard cover books, and paper plates instead of the usual dinnerware. Substitute cans instead of bottles, plastic instead of glass. Take items out of their cumbersome packaging and store them in zip-lock bags. You get the idea.

Catching Up on Work

Leave that “work” stuff back at the office? Turn email notifications off on your cell phone too, no sneak peaks at work emails from cell phones.

The Other Lists

Now that you know what to avoid bringing, you can check these lists out some of these lists.

Drive safely and don’t forget to bring your proof of insurance for the RV with you.

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